Friday, September 9, 2011

Review Week 4

Why/how can icons be used to communicate?
Icons are used to communicate so that people can quickly look at a picture and understand what it is telling them to do or what it means. People know what the icons mean by just means of past experience and understanding what it means. Icons are used to communicate different road conditions, turns, where to go, what is approaching (food, gas, etc), and many more things!


What is the difference between copyright and public domain?
Copyright means that one author has the authority to say who uses their art, and where it goes. If someone else uses their art, then they have to properly state where they got it from. Art that is public domain is usually copyrighted work that has an expired copyright. Public domain means that anybody is allowed to use whatever this artwork is.

How can you avoid plagiarism in this class? In other classes?
In this class, you can avoid it by not looking up on the internet what you are supposed to be doing. The idea will always be stuck in your head and you will forever work off of that. You should just concentrate on what YOU think of when you get an assignment, and work off of your own ideas. In other classes, you should just do your own work and not look up the answers for whatever you are doing. Do not copy other peoples' work!

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